Welcome to the archive for DJS Sims! The site has been restored to how it appeared in 2008 (yikes) after I recently discovered the files all still existed, and all content is being provided for those who still play the Sims 1, 2 or 3. Please note that no support is being given for anything, but everything should still work. Enjoy! (Wondering where jfade is now? Check out
jfade.com for his latest exploits.)
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 | No Nature on Community Lots! |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: September 1, 2008 Description: I was TRYING to play my business lot but nooooo, stupid customers kept walking around, birdwatching INSIDE the store and blocking other customers, then they would go bug hunt.
So this hack eliminates all such stupid behavior from community lots or businesses. You can still ORDER a Sim to do it but they will not do it autonomously at such an inappropriate time.
Download: djsnonatureoncommlots.zip (3009 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Free Time |
 | No "Zone" Effects |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: September 1, 2008 Description: When a sim has a hobby maxed out and begin working on an activity related to that hobby, they get "in the zone." This is all fine and dandy, except... Every time they get in the zone, a loud sound effect is played and they start glowing. This is OK too, except... being in the zone doesn't stick once the activity is stopped. So, imagine a maxed out nature hobbyist watering a 4 x 4 garden.
And that's what made me angry enough to quit the game to make this.
Updated September 1st: Now will prevent all the specialized zone effects, such as the ones from the ballet bar and other areas.
djsnozoneeffects.zip - Disables all zone effects, period. No sound, no glow.
djsnozonesound.zip - Disables the loud, annoying sound, but not the glow.
Download: djsnozoneeffects.zip (3814 Downloads) Download: djsnozonesound.zip (2651 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Free Time |
 | Anti-Humble Hacks |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: March 4, 2008 Description: If you have Free Time, you've probably noticed that every lot will receive a visit from Rod Humble, and he will give your Sims a free computer along with the Lies and Propaganda that is The Sims 3 game. Thing is, some sims are meant to be miserable, and giving them free computers along with an addicting game is simply not wanted. Plus, some may view this as cheating that EVERY house will get a free computer for nothing.
As a result, I've made a hack for those who want the choice of whether or not to get the free computer as well as one for those who don't want to see this Rod Humble character and his free computer at all.
djsantihumblehack.zip will prevent Rod Humble from showing up at all.
djshumblechoicehack.zip will allow you the choice of whether or not to accept the computer.
Download: djsantihumblehack.zip (3126 Downloads) Download: djshumblechoicehack.zip (3218 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Free Time |
 | Only Some Chance Of Plant Sim |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: March 4, 2008 Description: This new hack I've been toying with for a while makes it so that Sims can still become plants, but makes it much more random and not bugged like the original Maxian numbers.
* It now takes 25 sprays to be eligible for plantsimism instead of the Maxian default of 15.
* After the 25 sprays, a Sim will have a 5 percent chance of becoming a plant Sim instead of the 10 percent Maxian default.
* The number of sprays a Sim has accumulated over time will RESET after becoming a plant Sim. Compare this with the fact that Maxis NEVER resets the spray counter, meaning that even after your Sim is cured of plantsimism, they are guaranteed to instantly have that percentage of a chance of becoming a plant sim all over again. Now that the spray count is reset after a Sim initially becomes a plant sim, they will not have such a great chance of becoming one again right after being cured, and will need to accumulate at least the base number of sprays again.
Updated 3/03/08
Download: Bon Voyage or Free Time (3547 Downloads) Download: Seasons (1851 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Seasons |
 | No More Perfect Bigfoot(s)! |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: September 1, 2008 Description: With Bon Voyage, when the Bigfoot NPC is created, he is immediately given 10 skill points in EVERY skill and gold talent badges in EVERY badge category. So, my question is how does Bigfoot, who lives in the middle of the woods, get a gold talent badge in cosmetology, let alone robotics or cash registering? He must run a souvenir shop and sell blurry pictures of himself or something.
So. This new hack will make it so Bigfoot, when created, will ONLY be given full body skill (he does run around in the woods all day) and gold talent badges in fishing and gardening. (How else would he eat?)
Download: djsbigfootskilltuning.zip (2315 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Bon Voyage |
 | No Chance of Plant Sim |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: March 4, 2008 Description: This hack completely removes the chance of a Sim becoming a Plant Sim. Now you can garden with your mind at ease, with no worries about that chemical you're spraying transforming your Sim into something you don't want.
Updated 3/03/08
Download: Seasons (3880 Downloads) Download: Bon Voyage or Free Time (3320 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Seasons |
 | Sensible Ladybug Swarms |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: December 31, 2007 Description: Maybe I'm anal, but this bugged (pun intended :P ) me to death! First off, ladybugs should not be swarming around the ladybug house in WINTER. They should be DEAD.
Second, ladybugs need sleep too! They shouldn't swarm around all night long.
So, that said: This hack only allows ladybugs to swarm around the outside of the ladybug house between the hours of 9 AM and 7 PM. They will not swarm CONSTANTLY, but will randomly start or stop every 20 mins. Ladybugs will not swarm in wintertime because they are DEAD.
Download: djssensibleladybugs.zip (7064 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Seasons |
 | Quieter Car Alarm |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: December 31, 2007 Description: By request, the quieter car alarm works just like the quieter burglar and fire alarms! No more loud annoying noise, just a simple text notification.
Download: djsquietercaralarm.zip (3581 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2, Nightlife |
 | Advent Calendar 2006 Day 14 - Less Bubble Blower Obsession! |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: December 31, 2007 Description: By request, this hack alters the way the bubble blower works. Here's how it works:
Any nonselectable sim will be permitted to use the bubble blower autonomously on any lot.
However, any selectable sim will only be permitted to use the bubble blower autonomously on a non-residential lot.
Download: djslessbubbleblowerautonomy.zi (3620 Downloads)
Requirements: University |
 | Advent Calendar 2006 Day 10 - Less Addictive Espresso Bar |  |

| Creator: jfade Date: December 31, 2007 Description: Ever since Open for Business, the community lot coffee bar has attracted more Sims than bowling alleys! But now, thanks to a tweak in the advertising levels, they will still attract Sims, just not swarms of them stampeding over each other to down their fourteenth espresso.
NOTE: The advertising problem started with Open for Business, so even though this doesn't require Open for Business, it's not really needed if you don't have it.
Download: djslesscoffeebarobsession.zip (6758 Downloads)
Requirements: The Sims 2 |